Sales & Catalog Team

FAVI's Sales and Catalog Teams: The Home Decoration Dream Weavers

There are another two teams working tirelessly to make the shopping for furniture and home decor experience a breeze – the Sales Team and the Catalog Team.

The Sales Team

Led by our CCO, Zuzana Hartl, the Sales Team is on a mission to bring as many home décor online shops as possible onto the FAVI platform. But it's not just about quantity – they're also quality control experts, ensuring that every shop meets FAVI's high standards.

More shops mean more products, which means more happy customers. The Sales Team is in constant communication with our partners, helping them showcase their products in the best light and providing support with data quality. They're the ultimate matchmakers between FAVI and over 2300 shops across all our markets.

The Catalog Crew

Imagine having to sort through millions of products – that's the challenge the Catalog Team, led by Teri, tackles every day. Their goal is to make sure FAVI's massive catalog of over 6 million products, spanning more than 500 categories, is organized so that the user can easily find what they are looking for with just a few clicks.

These guys are the ultimate organization masters, using automation to sort through thousands of products in minutes. They're also trendsetters, constantly updating the catalog structure to reflect the latest home décor trends. And they're not afraid of a little AI magic – they're currently working on incorporating AI into their daily routines.

So, next time you're browsing FAVI for that perfect home decoration item, remember the Sales and Catalog Teams – the unsung heroes who make it all possible.

If you're ready to make a mark in the home decoration industry and contribute to a company that values innovation and customer satisfaction, then FAVI is the place for you. Explore our open positions and embark on a career that's both rewarding and fulfilling.

What is it like to work at FAVI?

And what others say about Zuzka?

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