Dev & Product

Our Dev team, an amazing group of 10 developers, guided by our CTO Radek Hejl utilizes a variety of  tools, including PHP, Symfony, MariaDB, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Memcache and Vanilla JS. We embrace tools like GitLab CI for automatic code control and Docker to make our development process super smooth. We write clean and tested code, making it easy for new developers to join our team. We work together using Trello for task management and Slack for communication.

The FAVI website has been developed from scratch as a custom app, all of which  has been done in-house by our continually  growing development team. 

Our scalable infrastructure handles hundreds of thousands of visitors every day, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.

FAVI offers a unique opportunity to work on a project that's big in every way. Your skills will directly impact the user experience and help our business grow.

Teaming Up with the Product Team

Our Product Team, led by Jan Sellers-Zajíc & Radek Hejl, connects business goals, user needs, and technology. This team identifies and prioritizes what users need, turning those ideas into product requirements that guide our development efforts.

The product at FAVI primarily includes our user-centric website, admin interfaces for our partners and employees, and marketing initiatives. This clearly showcases how our Product intersects with all departments.

What is it like to work at FAVI?

And what others say about Radek?

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